The Butte College Distance Education Committee
The Butte College Distance Ed Committee (DEC) is a standing committee of the BC Academic Senate.
Students looking for information about online classes should go to:
Committee Members
Distance Ed Coordinator, Chair - Suzanne Wakim
Dean of Instruction - Carrie Monlux
Instructional Technology Specialists - Chris Palmarini, Dave Stephens
Administrative Assistant - Jennifer Haney
Associated Students - Vacant
Financial Aid Liaison - Mariela Rivera
Faculty Members:
- Rachel Arteaga (Fall 2022)
- Dave Elke (Fall 2022)
- Linda Fischer (Fall 2022)
- Tia Germar (Fall 2022)
- April Kelly (Fall 2022)
- Brian Reinbold (Fall 2024)
- Heather Valle (Fall 2022)
Peer Online Course Reviewers
- Rachel Arteaga
- Lisa Christiansen
- Tia Germar
- Julie Jenks
- Tanya Kieselbach
- Heather Springer
- Shannan Troxel
- Suzanne Wakim
State and Federal Guidance
- CO Memo: Guidance for Distance Education Regulation Changes
- Dept of Education: Auto-graded work does not count towards insturctor presence
Meetings for 2024 - 2025
The DE Committee is an open committee and welcomes visitors. If you would like to join the DE committee, please contact the DE Coordinator, Suzanne Wakim (
Meeting times and location
Note: Due to the Brown Act of 1953, we are not allowed to meet via Zoom. My apologies for the decreased inclusivity required by this legislation. We will attempt to convert a few of these dates to forums so that everyone (regardless of their ability to travel) can provide input.
- Meetings are Mondays from 3:30 - 5:00 PM PT
- Meetings will be on the Mondays that Curriculum Committee does NOT meet unless these are holidays or have other conflicts.
- Main Campus: MATH 129
- Chico Center: CHC 134
- Glenn Center: by request
Meeting dates and agendas
Meeting dates are below
Fall 2024
- September 16
- September 30
- October 14
- October 28
- November 25
- December 9
Spring 2025
- February 10
- March 3
- March 31
- April 14
- April 28
- May 12